

The performance will start at the beginning.
That is quite logical. Starting at the beginning is always helpful to follow along.
The first scene will be the opening scene with which the performance begins.
Of course, the performance only starts when it has started.
The beginning will be clear.
A beginning.
Something like: ‘Start’. Yes. That’s how it will go.
We are not going to start foolishly with ‘false start’ and ‘actually it had already started but no one had noticed’ or ‘does it ever really start?’.
No, no. We will not start like that.

But for now, you have to wait a bit. Until it starts.
Although you yourself have been at it for quite a while. Nine years. Or eight. Or twelve. Or seventy-five.
Or maybe you just feel like it never really starts.
And that you are waiting. Until it finally happens.
You know. The real beginning. When you are older… And bigger…
Or maybe you long for a new beginning. A new friend. A new school. A new pencil case. One without a past. Without a story.

And sometimes you feel that adults suddenly look at you strangely. With a glistening tear in their eye. Then they stroke your hair and say: ‘Oh, I wish I were like you. For you, it all still has to begin.’
But does such a thing as a new beginning exist?
Is a blank page really as blank as we would like it to be?
How defining is a beginning for everything that is yet to come?

CONCEPT compagnie barbarie (Liesje De Backer, Karolien De Bleser, Amber Goethals, Lotte Vaes, and Sarah Vangeel)
ACTORS Sarah Vangeel, Liesje De Backer, Amber Goethals, Lotte Vaes, and Francis Geeraert (intern)
DIRECTION Karolien De Bleser
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Janne Bluekens (intern)
TEXT compagnie barbarie
SCENOGRAPHY Stefan Jakiela
SUPPORTED BY the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government